TIFU Letting my wife know the meaning of a phrase i would whisper into her ear. - MAS International News

TIFU Letting my wife know the meaning of a phrase i would whisper into her ear.

Standard not today, but 4 yrs ago.

So when my wife and i first started dating (7yrs now) she was fairly naive to the world. She grew up in a strict southern Baptist environment and was never allowed to date, watch certain things, etc. etc.

She moved out of her parent's house in 2013 at 21yrs old. I met her 7 yrs ago on oct. 28th. We started talking and messaging each other things fairly quickly and getting frisky.

Now I've never done this with anyone else, but because she was very innocent to various pop culture references i decided to give it a try. During one of our early make out sessions... without knowing a lick of french aside from Dexter's Labratory (yes my dear reader we are going there.) I proceded to whisper the phrase "omelette du fromage" into her ear... this turned her on immensely.

So for 3 solid years this went on until i fucked up and told her what the phrase meant... ever since then i've regretted telling her (and she never thought to look it up) because i always got a kick out of it.

omelette du fromage = cheese omelette

Married for 6 years this past June so i did something right!

TL:DR - For 3 solid years my girlfriend and then wife got off to me whispering cheese omelette into her ear because she had no clue what "omelette du fromage" actually meant.

Edit: forgot to add that she in fact HATES cheese.

Edit2: Thanks for all the laughs and first awards lol. My wife and i are both laughing because we've held off on posting this, but it's a hilarious story.

Edit3: I've only seen a few (2-3) nay sayers. I can fully assure you that this is infact true. It's still hilarious to this day that i managed to go for so long and give her the feels by using a cheesy line ;)... did i mention we have 2 kids? So dad joke included at no extra charge.

Edit4: I am aware it's not actually omelette du fromage. However it's parodied from Dexter's Laboratory as i have stated above. I implore you to google or youtube omelette du fromage, and you will be enlightened.

Edit5: elvisharchercrafts is indeed my wife. Prior to today she has never been on reddit.

  • she did not create her profile to drum up business, we are both horrible at naming so she just used her business page.
  • I do own a business myself, but i believe it would go against TOS to go into detail on that despite the fact that I'd love to drum up business.
  • If it is against tos I'll delete because ive had a couple people ask. --- I do credit card processing and 100% elimnate fees for the merchant privately owned and large to keep them afloat, especially these days.

Elvisharcher and myself did not anticipate the huge interest of this story. It's been fun! Sadly i don't think i have many other funny stories that come to mind. I'm glad it brought a smile to quite a few of y'all!

submitted by /u/Xareius to r/tifu
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