AITA for not telling my friends daughter the truth about being a paramedic? - MAS International News

AITA for not telling my friends daughter the truth about being a paramedic?

Please don't repost anywhere! Also, throwaway account so apologises for the odd username!

I (24f) spent three years at university training to be a paramedic and have been fully qualified for just under three years. At the university I went to, students spend most their time on the ambulance, so I've spent a decent amount of time on the road.

My mums friends daughter (K) is 13 and wants to be a paramedic in the future. My mother and I set up a meeting with K and her mother where I can explain how university works, what a levels she should take, the process of apply etc. It was going well, and she's really enthusiastic about it all.

Here's where I may be the asshole. K asked me "whats the worse thing you've ever seen?". Any health care professional will agree it's a shitty question to be asked, but she's only young and doesn't fully understand what she's asking, so I'm not annoyed or anything. But, I kindly told her than I'm not comfortable answering that question and explain that it's traumatic for me to discuss things like that and I don't want her hearing this sort of stuff at a young age. I also said that there are tough and horrific patients you go out to but there's fantastic support within the ambulance service if she ever needs it. K gets really disappointed and begs me to tell her. I politely tell her no again.

Ks mum then blows up and starts telling me off and saying that I'm being cryptic and that I should tell her the truth about the things she could be seeing. She states that K needs to prepare herself for things she could see. My mother is on my side but there's still friction between her and her friend.

I feel like I could be the asshole because I'm not being honest about the things she could see on the road and preparing her but I also don't think its appropriate for me to tell her some really horrific things, at my own expensive and trauma.

Please be honest, I've got myself in a right muddle with it all. Thank you!

Edit: a lot of people said I should've have told her more about what we go out too. I did tell her about people dying etc, it was just this one question!

Edit: this post has so much supportive! It's overwhelming, thank you all so much. I am reading all of your replies and will reply to them shortly. Thank you all again! Xx

submitted by /u/Sweaty-Tomato-2500 to r/AmItheAsshole
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