I'm half-American, half-Australian. Americans always tell me how scared they are of Aussie wildlife, but they ignore how fucken terrifying their own animals are. - MAS International News

I'm half-American, half-Australian. Americans always tell me how scared they are of Aussie wildlife, but they ignore how fucken terrifying their own animals are.

Like, most dangerous wildlife in Aus is some combination of small, non-aggressive unless provoked, or living in secluded areas. Then you've got American wildlife. Bears are half-ton, almost unkillable creatures with no fear of humans that regularly enter human areas and can tear apart a car like a soda can. Mountain Lions are large but silent apex predators that also have no problems entering human areas, and have even been known to acquire a taste for human flesh. Moose have been known to charge oncoming traffic during mating season and survive. Even coyotes, deer, etc. can fuck up a human if they want to.

I've lived in Sydney and Los Angeles, encountered wildlife in both areas. The scariest encounter in Sydney was getting unexpectedly swooped by a magpie. In LA I've on two separate occasions walked home alone late at night only to find myself face to face with a pack of coyotes, and would've encountered a hungry bear while walking my dog if a bloke at the entrance of the street I was about to walk down didn't warn me.

submitted by /u/JoCrude to r/australia
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