It only takes one card to take down the house. McDonald’s is that card. - MAS International News

It only takes one card to take down the house. McDonald’s is that card.

It only takes one organization to fall, and the rest will need to follow suit. If we organize, and make it so they don’t have a single set of hands, they’ll go out of business if they don’t comply.

We need to laser focus our energy on one point to cause enough damage to make movement happen. Spreading firepower too thin won’t cause the damage that we need. It’s the tip of the knife that gets through the armour.

What does this mean? — Refuse to work for McDonald’s and only McDonald’s until they offer 25$ wages as a standard. Work elsewhere. Anywhere else except McDonald’s, unless they state and pay 25$. Force them to raise their wage. Make it the known rule. McDonald’s = 25$ or walk.

If you work at McDonald’s, find a new job immediately. Post that you’re looking on your social networks. Demand 25$ from your boss. Quit without notice at rush hour. Get your coworkers to come with you. Make it clear why.

If you don’t work there and see a job listing for McDonald’s — apply, waste their time, take the job, don’t show up. Quit mid-shift. Convince their employees to join you. Cause chaos. Make it impossible for their business to continue until they pay 25$. Burn out their middle management resources until they join the fight. Take down the shields. Make it clear why.

It only takes one card to fall. One focused effort of organization, one company under the attack, and it will force that entire industry to follow suit. Once that happens, other industries will in turn need to follow suit or lose their work force.

A single point of impact makes the largest ripple. McDonald’s is that point of impact.

Why McDonald’s? It will cause the greatest visibility, impacting the most people, causing the most pressure. It’s our cultural reference point for “low paying job”. If that reference point becomes 25$, everything will need to recalibrate.

Edit: Give cash tips to McDonald’s cashiers with written large on the bill

submitted by /u/AbilityDirect to r/antiwork
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