(16F) my mom purposely keeps a low supply of food in the house as a punishment, she has been gone for 2 days and I have no way of feeding myself. - MAS International News

(16F) my mom purposely keeps a low supply of food in the house as a punishment, she has been gone for 2 days and I have no way of feeding myself.

it’s a very long story, but to make this short. my mom constantly does extreme things in order to prove a point to me.

over the past few weeks I’ve been struggling with grades, and LOTS have happened (it’s too much to explain here, let me get to the point).

I got a 47 on my test on Monday, and she checked the gradebook and saw it. While I was sleep Early Tuesday morning, she BARGED in my room (around 4:00 am) and started SCREAMING at me. i politely asked her to stop screaming at me (it never works out) and she got even more frustrated. She then got in my face and said “you are not going to last long in this world”

“You might as well die now if you keep this up”

“you’ll learn your lesson one day”

And she stormed out of the room.

I heard her fumbling around for about 10 mins, and then I heard the alarm system beep ( when someone opens the door). I called for her name and had no reply..

The house was empty, and when I checked the garage the car was gone.

I went back to my room and cried for a while. Around 6 am I called her to check if she was okay or not, and it said “call cant be completed” right away. So I called her on a free text now number and it went through (which means she blocked my number).

She said “hello” and I said “mom are you okay” and she hung up.

on Tuesday night when I went to the pantry, there was NO FOOD except pumpkin seeds. I went to the refrigerator and there was NOTHING in the refrigerator.

it’s now Thursday night and I still haven’t heard from her, no food. I am just surviving off of pumpkin seeds.

her suitcases are also missing so im sure she got a hotel or went somewhere else…..

idk when she’s coming back, but I told one of my old friends from school and she told me to call the cops.

I’m afraid that’ll make things worst…

i just hope she will come back soon.

I just felt like getting this off of my chest because I don’t have many ppl in real life I can trust without them getting worried and calling on her.

this isn’t the first time she’s done stuff like this.

idk, I’m just losing the will to live tbh. she’s making my life sink BELOW rock bottom because I’m already there.

thank you if you read this far :’)

EDIT: (it’s now morning where I am and my mom still haven’t came back). I am calling the cops later today, I will update you all when it’s safe.

also, I have food now.

TY SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT this means the world to me💕💕

submitted by /u/Foreverscarred14 to r/TrueOffMyChest
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