Had an awful run in with what I assume was a store detective at my local iga today and just need to vent!!
EDIT: I can’t believe I have to edit this to say that NO this is not a made up story. This happened today 28-4-2023 at approximately 12:12pm according to my receipt from the groceries I bought there. at RITCHIES IGA TAREE NSW 2430. Feel free to call the manager and ask for more info if you’re that sure it’s made up. I wrote this shit down in my notes on my phone as soon as I got home so I wouldn’t forget, then shared it here because I needed to vent and maybe get some support.
As my daughter and I were leaving iga with our shopping a man in casual clothes yelled out to us to STOP! and flashes some kind of badge in a wallet like he’s an FBI agent
Heres how the accusation went.
Him”the cokes!” Me “what?” Him “come on, you know, you didn’t pay for the cokes!” Me “are you serious?” Him “yes I am serious. I saw you put those in your bag and you didn’t pay for them” Me “yes I bloody well did I bought them at the chemist!” Him “Show me the receipt then!” He says with a smart arse smirk on his face. So I find the receipt from the chemist bag that the cokes were in and show him.
He looks at the receipt. “ see?” He says, “ not on there.” So I say “well I don’t know what to tell you but I bought them from the chemist!” He then says “ no you stole it from the chemist” so I say “ NO I DID NOT! and I’ll call them right now to sort this out!” He didn’t like that and rolling his eyes and sighing says “ all this for coke, it’s just two cokes, just go and pay for it and I’ll let you go!”So I say “ I am not paying for something twice especially at a shop I didn’t buy it from!”
So then he points to the bar code on the bottle and says “look this proves it, that’s an iga bar code on the coke, it’s from here so go pay for it” I say “no it’s not, bar codes are the same for all shops” and I again say “I’m calling the chemist.” He sighs and shakes his head.
So as I’m on the phone to the chemist my daughter has a look at the chemist receipt and says “ look! It’s right there at the top! 2x cokes!”
So I hang up from the chemist and say to the security guard, “there are you happy?! I told you! Now you’ve ruined my bloody day, look at my hands mate they’re shaking!” He chuckles and says “ I need my glasses” then says “oh you should see what MY days been like! I’ve been abused and yelled at all morning!”Then he says “ next time you come in with a drink tell someone you bought it elsewhere” so I say “ I am never coming back here again!” And he says, “ yep good, go to Woolies!”
I was shaking like a leaf after this but I held my ground and wouldn’t give in to him insisting on his version of the truth. Gaslighting bastard.
When I got home I called the manager and he said he’ll deal with him and he’s very sorry that happened, blah blah. Now the adrenaline has worn off I feel like crawling in a dark hole and crying. I’ve never felt so intimidated over something I didn’t do in my life.
from reddit: the front page of the internet https://ift.tt/t9BnzFU
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