My part time job told me I had to go full time or quit. This is coming from the same company who says nobody wants to work.
I have a steady full time job but I always keep a part time job a few nights a week and a weekend day. My latest was at a small recycling company taking apart old computers. The work kind of sucks but I walked there from my home. Last week, my boss tells me to start coming in full time next week because he can’t find any other help. I reminded him I have a full time job that pays my bills and has full time benefits so I couldn’t. He blew up at me saying that “nobody wants to work” and said I could just quit if I couldn’t help more. I laughed thinking he was kidding but he wasn’t. I asked him if he was serious and he said he needed dedicated full time help. I asked “so, you can’t find help, but you’d rather have me quit than work part time?” He said yes. “Effective when?” I asked, he said I could just leave now. So I left. He’s texted me three times and I haven’t even looked at the messages. Might as well enjoy my nights and weekends for a while. His logic just doesn’t make sense to me.
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