reddit: the front page of the internet
submitted by /u/Narrow_Cantaloupe748 to r/TrueOffMyChest
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from reddit: the front page of the internet
Every time I cook dinner, I get a strong urge to leave my partner an move into a small apartment in the city.
He always has some kind of complaint about the food and I have to consider his picky tastes.
It makes me want to move into a little apartment in a brick building and take my cat with me and cook whatever the fuck I want and decorate how I want and watch my stupid reality TV shows without him whining about it. I could have plants and tea lights and all that stupid basic bitch shit.
Most of the time I'm totally fine but I do enjoy my cooking day dreams.
EDIT: Wow thanks everyone! It is very heartening to see this outpouring of support from internet strangers. I'm buying a plant today! That'll be my first step. I love and appreciate all of you.
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from reddit: the front page of the internet
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