Is walking to school with my kids everyday really such a big deal?
I live in a town that has walk ways. But barely anyone uses them! People just drive everywhere, even to the store that's literally a block or two away from them. Me and my husband have two cars. But one of them is overdo for an inspection plus has something going on in a back wheel. We think it's just a brake pad needing replaced which we will around to fixing. Until then the car just sits on our driveway and i walk with my kids to school. The school is roughly a 3 minute drive, but walking it's about 0.8- 1 mile and 20 mins walk. I carry both their backpacks the entire way so they don't have to worry about them. My kids absolutely are ok with walking there and i've taken a liking to walking for the following reasons:
- My son is overweight and it's a good exercise for him (i dont tell him he is overweight)
- My daughter says she loves how we talk all the way there and considers it a happy bonding time.
- I suffer from seasonal depression and it's a good way for me to soak up some vitamin D before starting my day
- My mother's side of the family suffers from blood clots on their legs, this helps keep my legs healthy considering the rest of the day consists of me being at home and mostly sedentary
- We are new to the area and it's greatly helped the kids get to know the neighborhood, get familiar with the streets etc.
- I'm originally from a major city where i used to walk everywhere everyday. Walking around is just familiar to me and makes me feel close to home in a weird way
Now, all this being said. I've gotten all sorts of weird looks from people. Especially neighbors..I have a neighbor with kids who will see me getting up and out the door with my kids while she's getting hers in her car. I've gotten remarks from "hope theyre dressed warm!" to "if you ever need me to take them i can" All the while giving me these sad concerned looks. I've had police cars slowing down to see us while driving past because we look so out of place. I've had regular cars stop on stop signs and stare at us all perplexed. Even my kid's teachers apparently have asked them how do they get to school each morning because my daughter brought up our walks to her friend. I just don't understand why it's such a big deal in this town to use your legs and walk...Or am i the weird one here? Should i not make my kids walk a mile everyday? Is it cruel and i'm just not getting it?
Edit: I should add that at pick up, my husband swings by and picks them up by car since that's when he gets off work. So they don't walk a mile back home. It's just the mornings
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