TIFU by rubbing what I thought was my girlfriend’s clit. - MAS International News

TIFU by rubbing what I thought was my girlfriend’s clit.

Exactly what the title says, I (29M), did what every dude fear of doing: Rubbing your girlfriend’s clit and finding out it is NOT her clit.

Usually I’m great at finding it whenever we’re going at it, but tonight was not my night, when things were getting hot and heavy, I slipped my fingers down there and did the usual. My girlfriend (26F) asked what I was rubbing and I replied, “Your clit….?” And in confusion she replied, “No, I’m not feeling anything.”

For a second I was thrown off because how is she not feeling what I was rubbing for the past five minutes? So I poked what I thought was her clit and asked, “You mean this?” And by doing that, whatever the fucked I poked, caused her to yell in pain, “Yes, that!”

It turned out that above her hood was this cyst that was the same size as her clit and that’s what I was rubbing for the past 5 mins. Huge mood killer for the both of us, and now she’s upset that she has this weird pimple that she didn’t know of until now. I tried to comfort her but she’s not wanting to listen.

TL;DR Rubbed what I thought was my gf’s clit, turned out to be a big cyst above it. FML

EDIT: Turned out to be an ingrown hair, no I’m posting it on r/popping you nasties.

EDIT 2: Since everyone is asking why she didn’t feel it for a while, it wasn’t that long of a time, like maybe a minute when she noticed it. Anyways, thanks for the advice, girlfriend is feeling better and it’s just a laughable memory.

submitted by /u/AhFuckWhyMe to r/tifu
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